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Everything You Need to Know About the Google Pixel 2

Google’s Upcoming Flagship Cell Phone

At least according to rumors, Google’s newest smartphone project is promising to be a worthy sequel to the first Pixel. While nothing has been officially released as of now, but there are some good assumptions that can be made about its likely design features and specs.


Let’s start with hardware and features. Dual cameras? Check. Fingerprint scanner? Yes, of course (but expect it to be installed backside as the front-side phone will have no display button). And the anticipated processor expected to be Snapdragon 835 or 836 processor and 4GB RAM, read: fast, fast, fast! Also expect at least an IP67 rating. For those of you not geek enough to know, this means heavy-duty dust and water resistance.


Okay, now let’s talk about the display. You may recall that Google experienced some delays last year with its first Pixel release due to trouble securing the necessary volume of screen production. That won’t be a problem this year, however. We know Google is putting down serious money (about 900 million dollars) for its state-of-the-art 1080p OLED screens to be production-ready for whatever release date is decided upon. As for sizing there will be two options available: one with a pocket-friendly 4.97” HD display, and an XL model with a spacious 5.99” HD display. Rumor has it the latter will be in the form of a generous 2:1 aspect ratio.

Software and Interface

Unsurprisingly the phone will be Android-equipped and ready to receive the newest version–8.0 or better–available at the time of release. The user interface and functionality is also expected to be top-notch, in line with the original Pixel’s excellent Android Nougat integration. Google Assistant will also, of course, most definitely be a centerpiece of the UX.

Release Date?

So all told, it seems Google is eager to keep the bar high on it’s upcoming new model. And considering Samsung’s achievement with the S8, they had better. Expect a fall release date for Google Pixel 2 with October rumored to be the most likely month for the big drop.

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