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Choosing The Right Cell Phone

For most of us, our cell phone has become and will likely remain, an indispensable companion. Whether you want to stay on top of your email and social media updates, shoot selfies, play music or immerse yourself in your favorite games, choosing the right device suitable for your needs and lifestyle is a pretty big deal.

We offer the best advice on choosing the best handset for your needs and your budget.

Android, iOS or…

In the worldwide sales of smartphones, the dominating force is Android. Android is an open OS, which enables its users to customize with widgets, launchers, and more. A Samsung LG offers software with additional enhancements when it comes to multitasking and offers easier access to settings. The Android offers a more slick and intuitive design, quick settings, and even allows you to customize your notification settings so that you only hear from the callers you want to hear from. The latest selection of Android smartphones is more diverse and powerful than ever.

iOS 8

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus offer a host of enhancements. The Photo app  has greatly improved compared to its predecessor, and you can swap out the keyboard. Up to six people in your family can share app purchases, music on iTunes, and the latest books.  The main advantage of owning an iOS device is the vast selection of  apps, games and even accessories.

Windows Phone

There are many compelling features available on the Windows Phone. To begin with, there is an advanced Start screen and digital assistant, but these features are not appealing enough to steer attention away from its competitors.


There are still many fans of the BlackBerry. There is a Hub that aggregates everything from email to social updates, an easy way to multitask, and users can get a physical keyboard from the BlackBerry Classic. Unfortunately, the UI is not intuitive, and as far as the apps are concerned – sorry…Not a vast selection there.

When it comes to display size, there are relatively 3 options:

If you select a small screen (less than 4.5 inches) you won’t need to stretch your thumb too far to reach anything. But these days, with the rise in media consumption, gaming, and streaming entertainment, most people seem to gravitate toward larger screens.

A medium screen like the iPhone 6, LG G4 or the 5.7 inch Galaxy Note 4 are often referred to as “phablets” since they have a tablet-like quality. They likely to be sued as two-handed devices, and they ideal for watching videos, reading eBooks, and running two apps at the same time.

LED screens are the lowest in power consumption, thinner than LCDs and they do not need to be back lit.

KEEP IN MIND: The bigger the screen size, the more power it is going to consume

Still a bit confused…We’ve made it easier for you; in the simplest terms, buyers have the option of a smartphone or a feature phone.



Operates like a small portable computer

Works as a calendar

Displays email

Gaming platform

Personal music library

Best advice – Buy it if you intend to use the features.  They are more expensive to run per month and quite complex if you are not familiar with MP3 players and iPods.

Feature Phones

First and foremost – they are phones


MP3 player



They do NOT have the type of software updates or the same compatibility features as other available apps that a smartphone has and they are less expensive and easier to use

Best advice:  Base your decision on the basic requirements first. Consider the voice and sound quality, messaging and camera capabilities, music options and Internet access.

At the speed at which  phone technology improves it is difficult to choose the best option for you.  Choice has a way of seducing the modern consumer in unlimited ways and it reflects on our own human ingenuity and innovation…

Applie iOs offer the most apps, Google Android offers greater flexibility, and yes, the Blackberry is still highly acclaimed for its reliability and power.

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