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iPhone Tricks and Hacks

iPhones are among the most popularly used cellphones in today’s modern society. They compete with Android phones for a spot in a well deserved recognition for precision and convenience. While, many people use iPhones for their general use like texting, calling, and browsing, there is so much more to the iPhone that meets the eye. And for that, we wanted to shed some light on some iPhone tricks and hacks to make your iPhone experience a whole lot better.

Airplane Mode

Isn’t a hassle when you find yourself wanting more battery life? Sadly, you just don’t have the time to charge it to it’s full extent. Well, believe it or not, there is a way to charge your phone faster by simply putting it on airplane mode throughout the charging stage.


Don’t you just hate making a mistake while typing a text or an email? The last thing you want to do is hit the backspace key and hold it for a while. You can skip this by simply shaking your phone! You’ll be prompted by a popup saying “Undo Typing”. Hit “Undo” or “Cancel” for your selection.

Space bar

Gone are the days when you click on the period button when sending out a text. If you want to start a brand new sentence, simply double tap the space button and a period will be added for you.


Interestingly enough, you can find out what planes are overhead by simply asking Siri “what flights are overhead?” You’ll be shown a sky map and a result page afterwards.


This one is our favorite! The idea of conveniently taking a photo of your screen comes in handy in many ways. Perhaps, you want to save a text, or note to self a certain idea. Whatever it may be, the iPhone has made screen-shooting super easy. Press the home button and the power button at the same time to do the job. Your screenshot will appear in your photos.


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